![]() Hello everyone… this month’s blog post is different. In this one I am asking for your help. Don’t panic I’m not asking you to buy or sell anything! I started this blog 2 ½ years ago. When I first created it, people asked me “What is your blog about?”. My answer was somewhat vague. My thought was that is just a platform for me to express myself. The content would be whatever I chose it to be. I didn’t want it to be the same as so many cookie cutter blog sites that exist. As a result, you all have gotten a peak into my life, my beliefs, my hopes and dreams. I have chosen to share them willing with those of you that care to come along for the ride. Today I find that I still struggle to define what my blog is about. I have some ideas, but I’d like to know what impact my blog has on you the reader. My home page says: “Welcome to the Edge of Fitting In... As you explore these pages you may find reasons to laugh or cry. You may learn from my mistakes, or not! My wish is that you find a bit of inspiration, food for thought or maybe even a nugget of gold!” I would like to know if I have accomplished those goals. Please help me make “The Edge of Fitting In…” better by answering the questions below. You can answer in any of the following ways:
Thank you in advance for taking a few minutes of your valuable time to help.
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![]() 7 AM Alarm! All I really want to do is throw the phone. Instead, I swipe to dismiss the godawful noise. Before the voice in my head convinces me to fall back asleep, I get up, get dressed and plod downstairs zombie like. She says, “Go back to bed. The covers are nice and warm.” Still wishing I were back in bed I manage to change from my house shoes to my gym shoes. I drag my sleepy ass downstairs to the basement, turning on only one light (it’s better this way, trust me). After putting resistance bands and stability ball in place I slowly start the first of a two-set circuit. I often think about doing 3 sets but that would require me to get up earlier and I’m not that evolved yet. |
Kim C WellsExpressing myself through written word. Hoping to evoke emotions, invoke thoughts and actions. Your Body is talking.
Are you listening Customized Nutrition based on your DNA can help! No more guessing! Let your DNA tell you what your body needs. http://kim.uforiascience.com Contact me with inquiries Archives
May 2021